On 6 December 2021, the Council of State hosted the second seminar of the Association of Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union (ACA-Europe), organised under the Italian Presidency. This seminar provided an opportunity to discuss the judicial review of regulatory authorities.
ACA-Europe was created in 1998 and brings together the supreme administrative courts of each of the Member States and the Court of Justice of the European Union with the aim of promoting understanding of European law by administrative judges and knowledge of the functioning of the supreme administrative courts of Europe.

During the seminar held at the Council of State on 6 December, speakers representing seventeen ACA-Europe member courts discussed, in three sessions, the judicial review of regulatory authorities, a subject where European law and national law are closely intertwined.
During the first session, chaired by Bruno Lasserre, Vice-President of the Council of State, David De Roy of the Council of State of Belgium and Suzana Tavares da Silva of the Supreme Administrative Court of Portugal talked about the courts’ competence to hear disputes involving regulatory authorities.

In the second session, chaired by Martine de Boisdeffre, President of the Report and Studies Section of the Council of State, Ingo Kraft of the Federal Administrative Court of Germany and Ivo Pilving of the Supreme Court of Estonia discussed the admissibility of appeals against regulatory acts.
Finally, the third session, chaired by Isabelle de Silva, Deputy President of the Social Section of the Council of State, dealt with the judgement of appeals against regulatory acts. The subject was introduced by Monica Gullans of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, Nicolaos Nikolakis of the Council of State of Greece, Lynn Spielmann of the Administrative Court of Luxembourg, Ángel Arozamena of the Tribunal Supremo of Spain and Luigi Carbone of the Council of State of Italy.