ACA Europe Seminar, Versailles

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On 29 November 2024, France hosted an ACA-Europe symposium attended by more than sixty participants from thirty-one European countries, including some fifteen presidents of Europe's highest administrative courts.

The conference was held at the Versailles administrative court of appeal and focused on the ethics and recruitment of members of the supreme administrative courts. Three round tables, chaired by Rémi Bouchez, Deputy President of the Public Works Section of the Conseil d'Etat, Christian Vigouroux, President of the College of Ethics of the Administrative Jurisdiction and Thierry-Xavier Girardot, Secretary General of the Conseil d'Etat, provided an opportunity to discuss this topic in the light of the responses given by participants to a questionnaire sent out in advance of the conference. A summary of the responses to this questionnaire is available on the ACA-Europe website.

What is ACA-Europe ?

Founded in 1998, ACA-Europe is a European association bringing together the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Councils of State and supreme administrative jurisdictions of each of the Member States of the European Union. The High Administrative Jurisdictions of the candidate countries for accession to the European Union are also members. These courts and institutions meet several times a year to share knowledge and information about their systems and draw inspiration from each other's practices.
The Finnish Supreme Court will hold the rotating presidency of ACA Europe from 2023 to 2025. Its presidency will have been marked by the organisation of six colloquia: in Finland (May 2024 and May 2025), in Sweden (October 2023), in Croatia (February 2024), in France on 29 November and, next, in March 2025 in The Hague at the headquarters of the Raad van State, the Dutch Council of State.