From 24 to 28 May 2024, a delegation led by the President of the Studies, Research and Cooperation Section, Martine de Boisdeffre, attended the General Assembly of ACA-Europe*, the association of European administrative judges, of which the Conseil d'Etat is a member, in Inari (Finland).

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During this visit, a symposium on Climate, environment and land use was held at the Sami Parliament on 26 May, with the President of the Parliament in attendance, followed the next day by a seminar on Mapping the multilevel protection of fundamental rights in European administrative courts.
The latter gave the administrative courts present an opportunity to discuss the relationship between national standards and European law.
More specifically, the delicate question of the consequences to be drawn from a possible contradiction between the Constitution and European law, in particular the Charter of Fundamental Rights, was debated.
In this respect, the reading grid proposed by the Conseil d’Etat in its Arcelor Assembly decision (CE Ass., 8 February 2007) was cited as an example.
Finally, on 28 May, the Association, currently chaired by the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, held its Annual General Meeting.  The Greek Council of State will hold the next presidency from 2025 to 2027.

ACA-Europe is a European association composed of the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as the Councils of State and the Supreme administrative jurisdictions of each of the members of the European Union. The supreme administrative jurisdictions of Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye have an observer status, while those of Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are invited to participate in the activities of the Association as guests. Thus, ACA-Europe is a unique network of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions, that extends across 34 European states.